Smooth and Stumbling – Knowledge sharing on transcultural gender and diversity studies: Olten/Zürich – Fez – Cairo (4.2)

Panel report

In this panel, the discussants are members of academia, some are also activists and some are involved in feminist archives. All of them work on the development and dissemination of feminist gender and diversity knowledge, but in different places and under different conditions. We assume that (feminist) gender and diversity knowledge is located. As early as the beginning of 1980 Donna Haraway established that feminist knowledge and epistemologies are located and represent “partial perspectives” (Donna Haraway 1988). In this debate, feminist research was criticised as being embedded in post-colonial power structures (Spivak 1988). The problem of representation and appropriation of intersectional studies was raised by Crenshaw (Crenshaw 1994; Collins/ Bilge 2016) and led to an ongoing debate on the (impossible) feminist object (Butler 1990; Knapp 2005). These different bodies of knowledge seem to face various obstacles on the path into a current debate and into the archives of science and society. We will discuss possible descriptions of these knowledges, their relation to activism and the conditions of their development, dissemination and preservation.

The panel starts with brief statements of the participants and gives space for short group discussions for the participants.

Butler, J. (1990). Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. New York: Routledge.
Haraway, D. (1988). Situated knowledges: The science question in feminism and the privilege of partial perspective. Feminist studies14(3), 575-599.
Knapp, G. A. (2005). Race, class, gender: Reclaiming baggage in fast travelling theories. European Journal of Women’s Studies12(3), 249-265.
Spivak, G. C (1988). “Can the Subaltern Speak?”. In Nelson, C.; Grossberg, L. (eds.). Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture. Basingstoke: Macmillan. 271–313. 

Nathalie Amstutz, Professor of Gender and Diversity at School of Business, UAS of Northern Switzerland, (FHNW)
Lea Küng, MA, Scientific collaborator at School of Business, UAS of Northern Switzerland, (FHNW).

(1) Bettina Dennerlein, Professor of Gender Studies und Islam Studies, University of Zürich
(2) Hoda Elsadda, Professor of English and Comparative Literature, Faculty of Arts, Cairo University. Co-founder and director of the Women and Memory Forum, Cairo.
(3) Fatima Sadiqi, Professor of Linguistics and Gender Studies, President Association for Middle East Women’s Studies – AMEWS, Woodrow Wilson Center Fellow, Co-Founder, International Institute For Languages and Cultures (INLAC), Director of Isis Center for Women and Development.

Moha Ennaji, Professor of Cultural and Gender Studies and President of the International Institute for Languages and Cultures in Fez, Morocco
Sarah Farag, Dr., Scientific collaborator at University of Zürich, Coordinator Consortium for Education and Research ‘ProGed’.
Students of the graduate course “Introduction to Transcultural Gender and Diversity Studies” (Zürich, Olten, Fez, Cairo).

Everybody is welcome to join the panel.

Panel duration: 120 minutes
Language: English
Thematic Field: Methods of knowledge sharing
